100 Pillars Campaign

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Alhamdulillah, through the grace of Almighty Allah ﷻ, we have reached our target of 100 pillars. If you would still like to be a pillar of MEC, you are more than welcome to use the link above to setup your direct debit. Jazākumullahu Khayran.

What is the '100 Pillars' campaign?

As energy prices soar and the economy becomes increasingly uncertain, our centre faces the challenge of covering its basic operating expenses, as well as any unanticipated costs such as repairs or renovations. We are looking for 100 supporters or ‘Pillars’ to donate £15 per month to help secure and take care of the future of the centre and ensure that we are always able to provide for our community. This is a unique and limited opportunity for members of our community to play an active role in making a meaningful impact in the lives of others; all whilst having a share in the reward of all the activities that take place in the centre.

Our beloved Prophet ﷺ said:

When you see a person taking care of the Masjid then bear testimony to his Īmān, for verily Allah ﷻ says, “Only those who believe in Allah and the Last Day frequent and take care of the Masjids of Allah.”


Campaign Progress

Pillars (Supporters) of MEC
£ 0
Pledged per month

Why £15/month?

As part of our campaign, we are looking for 100 people to donate £15 per month. £15 per month equates to just 50p a day. During the month we may very easily pay £15 on fast food, clothing, or online subscriptions. And while walking down the street a 50p coin may not even be worth picking up! You can therefore view this as a subscription for your ākhira; a constant and guaranteed virtue, and an argument in your favour on the Day of Judgement, inshā’Allah. 


If you wish to donate more than £15/month, you are more than welcome to do so. However, your donation will be regarded as only 1 pillar – this is to allow for others to avail of the opportunity to be from the 100 pillars of MEC.

Our beloved Prophet ﷺ said:

The most beloved of deeds to Allah ﷻ are those that are consistent even if they (the deeds) are small.


What will your donation be used for?

The donations from our 100 pillars will help us:

  • Meet the basic running costs such as heating, electricity, water, and council tax, with the aim of eventually becoming self-sustaining 
  • Cover subscriptions necessary to the infrastructure of the centre: Insurance, Radio License, Internet, Phone, Software, Website Hosting etc
  • Provide predictability in managing our funding
  • Grow the capabilities and activities of the centre further
  • Cover basic repairs, upgrades and general up-keep of the Centre.

Support your masjid in supporting your community

As your centre, our goal is to continually enhance the services and offerings we provide to our community. We are proud to provide a Madrasah for our children, youth nights, workshops on important topics, engaging guest speakers, an amateur football club, various classes for sisters and adults on key Islamic topics, Q&A sessions with our Imams, and much more.


We are also happy to announce that we have a new, exciting project underway – a Scouts program for children ages 4 to 14, which will offer them weekly opportunities for growth and activities. 


By becoming one of our 100 ‘pillars’, you will have a share in all of this and everything we have planned in the future; you will contribute to the very heart of our community, inshā’Allah.

"Whoever builds a masjid for the sake of Allah ﷻ, Allah ﷻ will build for him a house like it in paradise."

[Bukhārī & Muslim]